This topic is about the experiences of Autistic people with getting a diagnosis and accessing the services and supports they need or want. For example, it can cover:

  • the steps involved in getting a diagnosis, and what makes a diagnosis easier or harder to get
  • making sure that we recognise Autism and that Autistic people don’t miss out on getting a diagnosis
  • how easy it is for Autistic people to find and use supports and services they need and that suit them
  • how well the services and supports used by Autistic people work together
  • how much we know about what supports and services can be useful for Autistic people
  • the support available for families of Autistic people.

This is a space for you to share ideas about what could be put in the National Autism Strategy to help Autistic people to access diagnosis and services and supports, and to make sure that the services and supports are right for them.